2014年4月21日 星期一

關於虛擬旅行.... About My Virtual Travel....

虛擬旅行,是個有趣的想法.... 有鑒於生活中種種的限制,想隨時去當個背包客,畢竟不是件說走就走的事情。

日前在整理澳門遊照片時,意識到原來網路資訊爆炸到一種不可思議的程度,不僅有許多熱血網友寫的網誌外,還有Wikipedia與Google Maps的街景,當然還有更多的旅行照片與官網,可做為記錄的參考。


這個想法也不是多新鮮,兩個美國年輕人Marc Horowitz 和Pete Baldes 在兩年前就利用了Google Maps,9天完成了橫跨美國公路的"壯遊"。Link Here


Virtual Travel is an interesting idea... Due to lots of constraints in life, it's hard to be a backpacker anytime if I want.

The reason why this idea came to me is that I realized there are billions of information being existed on internet when I organized my photos after Macau's trip few weeks ago. That includes blogs, Wikipedia, Street View on Google Maps and lots of beautiful pictures....etc.

At the same moment, I was thinking that it's the so-called "virtual travel" if I've never been that place but still can get the same information from these internet resources.....

Actually, 2 years ago, there were also 2 American young guys, Marc Horowitz and Pete Baldes, travelling across the US entirely on Google Maps within 9 days. Link Here

Therefore, it's one cool alternative solution for me when I can't leave for a trip right away for some reason!

One article about VT:
What is Virtual Travel? Why Has it Become So Popular?

