2014年4月26日 星期六

Virtual Travel: 大型裝置藝術品 Sculpture "She Changes" , Porto, Portugal

分類: 葡萄牙 - 波多 - 藝術  (CATALOG: Portugal - Porto - Art)

Sculpture: "She Changes"

Link: YouTube "She Changes" Sculpture by Janet Echelman

波多雖是個充滿歷史的城市,但從Google Maps上發現到特別的現代藝術或建築,還是忍不住,停留了下來。

Porto is a city with lots of historical stories, but I can't help myself to stop to check the special modern artworks or architectures when I found any on the Google Maps.

這件名為"She Changes"的藝術裝置作品,之前在網路上就看過轉載的照片,非常有意思。與大部分雕塑不同,"She Changes"佇立在半空中,半透狀隨風起伏而改變形體,張力十足。

This interesting sculpture, named "She Changes", has been forwarded many times on the internet. Different from most of other sculptures, "She Changes" was set up in the air. Its soft and translucent shape always changes by breeze. This sculpture is full of the high intensity.

[via Google Maps]

[via Google Maps]

美國藝術家Janet Echelman,從漁網中得到的靈感,創造出這件大型的藝術雕塑品;值得一提的是,在波多的這件作品,也是她第一件大型戶外的永久裝置藝術。原本平淡無奇的波多西北海岸邊,也因為這件大型雕塑而成為一個有名的景點。

Janet Echelman, an American artist, created this big scale sculpture, which was inspired from fish net. It's worth pointing out that it's also Janet's first permanent artwork. This sculpture makes the bland and anonymous intersection as one famous scenic spot.

推薦觀看Janet在TED上的演講 (Link: Janet Echelman's TED Talk ),分享她有關這件作品的創作故事。

Also recommended to watch Janet's speech on TED (Link: Janet Echelman's TED Talk ), she shared her stories about her creative artworks.


